Spearman test showed that the MDD-W score was not associated with hemoglobinconcentration (p>0,05). The MDD-W score for anemia and non-anemiagroups was low (4,8☑,2 vs 4,8☑,6). Data analysis used the spearmantest to determine the correlation between MDD-W score and hemoglobin concentration in pregnant women.The result showed that 51,5% of pregnant women were anemic. The data used consisted of socio-economic status, history of pregnancy, MUAC, hemoglobinconcentration, and Minimum Dietary Diversity-Women (MDD-W) score. Data were collected through interviews using a questionnaireand direct measurement.
Subjects were all stage of pregnancy (trimester I, II, III) which numbered 200 pregnant womenwho were selected by proportional random sampling. The population of this study was 411 pregnant women in four selected health centers inSumenep District. The purpose of this study was to analyze thecorrelation between dietary diversity and anemia in pregnant women in Sumenep District, Madura. Pregnant women in Indonesia whose anemic reach 48,9%.